deadsimple was created to replicate the simplicity of FastAPI's dependency injection mechanisms outside of the web framework's context.
It also adds a few features I was missing during development as special use cases began to emerge.
An additional goal of this project is to provide example design patterns that worked well for me using FastAPI's DI and describe them extensively.
Basic usage
from dataclasses import dataclass
from deadsimple import Depends, resolve
class DepA():
dep_b: DepB
class DepB():
value: str
def get_dep_b() -> DepB:
return DepB(value="some val")
def get_dep_a(dep_b: DepB = Depends(get_dep_b)) -> DepA:
return DepA(dep_b=dep_b)
my_a = resolve(get_dep_a)
assert my_a.dep_b.value == "some val"
Dependencies will instantiate once per factory for each call to resolve
class DepC():
dep_a: DepA
dep_b: DepB
def get_dep_c(
dep_a: DepA = Depends(get_dep_a),
dep_b: DepB = Depends(get_dep_b),
) -> DepC:
return DepC(dep_a=dep_a, dep_b=dep_b)
my_c = resolve(get_dep_c)
assert my_c.dep_b is my_c.dep_a.dep_b
For Singleton use lru_cache or cache from functools
from functools import lru_cache
# or from functools import cache if you're 3.9+
class Singleton():
class NotSingleton():
singleton_dep: Singleton
def get_singleton() -> Singleton:
return Singleton()
def get_not_singleton(singleton: Singleton = Depends(get_singleton)) -> NotSingleton:
return NotSingleton(singleton_dep=singleton)
not_singleton_a = resolve(get_not_singleton)
not_singleton_b = resolve(get_not_singleton)
assert not_singleton_a is not not_singleton_b
assert not_singleton_a.singleton_dep is not_singleton_b.singleton_dep
Overriding dependencies
override_dep_b = DepB(value="some other val")
my_a = resolve(get_dep_a, overrides={get_dep_b: override_dep_b})
assert my_a.dep_b.value == "some other val"
Generator factories
def get_dep_b() -> DepB:
print("enter b")
yield DepB(value="some val")
print("exit b")
def get_dep_a(dep_b: DepB = Depends(get_dep_b)) -> DepA:
print("enter a")
yield DepA(dep_b=dep_b)
print("exit a")
# prints:
# enter b
# enter a
# exit a
# exit b
Lazy resolution
from deadsimple import Lazy
def get_dep_b() -> DepB:
print("enter b")
return DepB(value="some val")
def get_dep_a(dep_b = Lazy(get_dep_b)) -> DepA:
print("enter a")
return DepA(dep_b=dep_b.lazy)
# prints:
# enter a
# enter b
Controlled lifetime scope
from deadsimple import resolve_open
def get_dep_b() -> DepB:
print("enter b")
yield DepB(value="some val")
print("exit b")
with resolve_open(get_dep_b) as dep_b:
# prints:
# enter b
# inside
# exit b